3 New Organizations to Donate To/Participate In:

  1. Black Trans Media

    Their mission statement is pretty succinct, so I’ll let you check it out! Also, if you can, I really encourage you to donate!! Recognizing and financially (tangibly) supporting black trans artists is super important!


2. The Okra Project

The Okra Project is a mutual aid collective that provides support to Black Trans, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming people. This project aims to alleviate some of the barriers that the community faces daily.


3. No Name Book Club

The No Name Book Club organization fosters online and in-person communities through writing by people of color. They have many connections with libraries and black-owned bookstores across the country that alleviate barriers to accessing literature. This way, any person can access the two books the book club highlights each month (written by authors of color). For those with time constraints, there is also an opportunity to discuss articles instead of entire books. The No Name Book Club also sends the monthly book picks to incarcerated individuals through their Prison Program.



Two New Queer Dance Groups to Follow!


3 New Albums to Listen to By Queer Artists of Color